1851 - 1928 (77 years)
Obituary- Perry, Mary
Mary Laurinda Burnett, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Burnett, was born at Rock Creek, Virginia, August 9, 1851, and died at her home near St. Clere, Kansas, September 24 1928. She came with her parents to Kansas when four years of age. September 13, 1866, she was married to Henry Perry. Not long after this they settled on the farm north of St. Clere where she passed away. Mrs. Perry was the mother of thirteen children. Three of them and their father preceded Mrs. Perry in death. She is survived by ten children, nineteen grand children and two great grandchildren. Her surviving children are: Will Perry of Havensville, Bessie A Kemper of Richmond, Calif.; Ben Perry of Havensville; Mrs. Florence Siegle and Walter Perry of Emmett; Richard of Havensville; Mrs. Elva M. Flanary of Maple Hill; Elmer Perry of Emmett and Mrs. Nellie B. Siegle of Lakeland, Florida. Mrs. Perry’s death was preceded by a year of failing health and three weeks of confining illness. She was of a cheerful disposition, was a loving mother, a kind neighbor, always thoughtful of others. The funeral service which was very largely attended was held in the St. Clere church conducted by Rev. Wm. M. Mayfield, pastor of the Christian church in Soldier, who was in touch with the family in his ministry at Mr. Olive more than twenty-five years ago. The burial was in the St. Clere cemetery.—Holton Recorder.