1848 - 1936 (88 years)
Obituary- Reed, Emily
Mrs. Emily Goodrich Reed, 88, died Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry B. Miller, 825 Western avenue, Topeka. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon from the home. Burial in Topeka cemetery.
Mrs. Reed was born near Concord, Michigan, May 27, 1848. She came to Kansas in 1879 and had made her home here since that time. She was a member of the First Methodist church. Dr. Harold C. Case will conduct her services Friday.
Besides Mrs. Miller she is survived by a son, Dr. Stanley G. Reed, of Omaha, Neb., a sister, Mrs. W. J. Grills, Marion, O., and a brother, Floyd I. Goodrich, Long Beach,