- 1936
Obituary- Ruff, Leo
Leo Ruff
Funeral services for Leo Russ, will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the funeral home in Manhattan. Burial will be in Sunset cemetery at Manhattan.
Leo was the sixth victim of an auto crash eighteen miles south of Topeka Monday morning and died at Christ's hospital in Topeka at 5:15 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Jack Farley of Arkansas City, the fifth victim of the most tragic auto accident ever recorded in this section died at 5:15 o'clock Tuesday evening. Neither regained consciousness after the terrific crash Monday in which two others met instant death and two more were fatally injured.
Leo Ruff, 23, had been an employee of the state WPA offices since September of last year. He had completed three years work in the engineering department of the Kansas State college at Manhattan, after completing his high school work here with the class of 1930. For the last few weeks he had been concentrating his efforts on water conservation work for WPA.
Farley was president of the Farley Machine Works Co., of Arkansas city.
Others who were killed as a result of the crash were: Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Gormley, Tulsa; Sam Wentworth, Hutchinson; and Paul B. Vautravers, Topeka.
Vautravers and Ruff were riding in a Plymouth going south on High 75 when their car collided with a new Lincoln Zephyr going west whose occupants were the Gormleys, Wentworth and Farley. Vautravers and Mrs. Gormley were instantly killed; Mr. Gormley and Wentworth died in Topeka within three hours after the accident; Farley died Tuesday evening; Ruff died Wednesday.
Both cars were demolished. Farley's dog, a thoroughbred pointer and a constant companion, died shortly after limping from the wreckage.
Coroner O.C. Fritz, of Osage county, said there were no witnesses to the crash and intimated no inquest would be held.
Leo is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Ruff and one sister, Miss Ada Marie Ruff of Chicago.
The following from Rossville were among the many relatives and friends in Manhattan, Friday, to attend the funeral of Leo Russ: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lemon, Mrs. C.G. Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carrell, Mrs. Rose Shoebotham, Mrs. William Sanders, Mrs. and Mrs. Warner Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reser, Mrs. Vida Stumbaugh, Ed Kovar, Homer Reid, Elmer Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard French, William Hesse, Fred McCollough, Frank Page, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stoval, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kesler, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. John Kinnet, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reding, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reding, Miss Ethelyn Hook, Elmer Lynde. --17 Dec. 1936
File name | Obituary- Ruff, Leo.jpg |
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Linked to | Leo Ruff |