1895 - 1929 (33 years)
Obituary- Somers, Leyo
The Rossville Reporter
Deaths and Funerals
Leyo James Somers
Funeral services for Mrs. Chauncey Somers were held Sunday afternoon, May 26th, at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church, Rossville, the Rev. Gordon S. Pritchett, officiating.
Music for the service was furnished by Mrs. E.G. Griswold, Mrs. E.E. Witter, Miss Leona Griswold, A.L. Ruff and Mrs. Pritchett. The pallbearers were Messrs. B.D. Hayes, Frank Zook, Roy Hawks, Gus Kassebaum, Joe Barney and Earl Barney.
Interment was in the Franklin cemetery northwest of Rossville.
Mrs. Somers passed away at a hospital in Sterling, Kansas, Friday noon, May 24, following a few days illness at her home later it being deemed necessary to perform an operation. The operation was performed Thursday at midnight and until early Friday morning she was thought to be making a satisfactory recovery, but a few hours before the and a sudden change for the worse developed. He father, Mr. R.D. James and sister, Mrs. Louis Franz left here Thursday night but did not reach her bedside before the end.
A brief funeral service was held at Sterling after which the body was brought to Rossville for the service here.
Mrs. Somers, who was 33 years old, was born in this community on October 6, 1895, and with the exception of the last few years spent at Sterling had lived here all her life. She joined the U.B. church when she was 8 years of age, later transferred her membership to the Rossville Methodist church and then to the Sterling M.E. church. She was a faithful Sunday School teacher and church worker, and a devoted wife and mother.
She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, C.L. Somers, three children, Ermyl, Clyde and Floydie, aged 11, 9 and 6; her father, R.D. James of Rossville, and one sister, Mrs. Ora Franz of Delia.
The bereaved relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the people of Rossville in their sad bereavement.
[From 30 May 1929]