1914 - 2009 (94 years)
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Obituary- Stadler, Alfreda 2
https://mail. google. com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=0ec2d7fl7f&view=pt&se.
Adrienne Olejnik
Alfreda Stadler
1 message
[email protected] Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 3:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Here is an obituary you might not have. She married my Uncle John Stadler. I thought her only connection was her marriage to John who was raised in Rossville. But, I was talking to their son yesterday and he said that Alfreda taught at Lipp School SE of Rossville.
An interesting thing he told me. She was an indentured servant from the age of 7 to 18. I had never heard of indentured servants after the colonial times. I wouldn't believe him until he showed me documents he had finally gotten from the state of Minn, though they were not supposed to be released until after 100 years. I am guessing they had more children available than they could adopt out, so this was a way for the state to avoid raising the kids. If they didn't work hard or well enough they could be turned back in and indentured to someone else. Most were boys sent to work on farms.
Back then, even free kids in rural areas often didn't go to school more than 4-8 years. No child labor laws back then.
The indenture contract specified that upon their 18th birthday, they were to be given their freedom,
S100, and two sets of clothing.
Fortunately Alfreda was indentured to a minister and he provided for her education and even sent her to Emporia State Teachers College so she could become a teacher.
http:.'Zwww. legacy. com/obituaries/cjonline/obituary.aspx?n“-Alfreda-Stadler&pid=124860616#fbLoggedOut
Rossville Community Library Mail - Alfreda https://maiLgoogle.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=0ec2d7fl7f&view=pt&se.
Adrienne Olejnik
1 message
[email protected] Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 3:13 PM
To: [email protected]
I just read Alfreda’s obituary. It was not Emporia State Teacher's College (the name in the 1950s but not now) but a presbyterian college in Emporia that she attended.
When John said she attended college in Emporia, I said "Emporia State?" and he did not correct me.
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