Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Obituary- Stanley, Agustus

Mr. A. S. Stanley passed away Friday, August 22, at 12 o’clock at his home at the age of 71 years, 4 months and 6 days, following an illness of about two weeks.

A contributary cause of his death was uraemia poisoning.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Methodist church conducted by Rev. G. G. Horne of Topeka, assisted by Rev. James Kennedy of the Rossville Christian church.

This funeral was attended by a large gathering of sorrowing friend.

Special music was furnished by Messrs. N. S. Clothier of St. Marys, A. A. Cless, Mrs. G. C. Albin and Mrs. Peter Navarre.

The pallbearers were Messrs. C. E. Cless, E. D. Hartzell, Wm. Kerr, C. M. McPherson, A. A. Parr and R. D. James.

The body was interred in the family lot in Rossville cemetery beside his wife who passed away less than a year ago.

Mr. Stanley was born April 16, 1853, in Ohio, and came to Kansas with his parents in 1878. The family located on what was known as the Elmore farm southwest of the city. For many years after the death of his father Col. Stanley, Mr. Stanley lived with his mother in the house formerly on the site of the present H. G. Bond home.

Mr. Stanley, was united in marriage to Miss Anna Young of this city, in 1905. Twin children were born to this union February 15, 1908 – Ruth and Reid, who are his sole survivors with the exception of a sister and brother, living in Ohio. The latter through illness were unable to attend the funeral.

Mr. Stanly was one of the kindliest gentlemen in the community. His quiet and unassuming life had won for him the high regard of a host of friends. In his business dealings he was liberal and just.

His passing is not only a great loss to his two children, but the community has lost a splendid citizen.

Card of thanks – Please accept our deepest gratitude and thanks for the sympathy and many acts of kindness shown us during the illness and death of our father, Mr. A. S. Stanley,
Ruth Stanley
Reid Stanley

(First Published in Rossville Reporter, September 18, 1924)
State of Kansas, Shawnee County, ss. In the matter of the estate of A. S. Stanley, late of Shawnee County, Kansas
Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of September, A. D., 1924, the undersigned was, by the Probate Court of Shawnee County, Kansas, duly appointed Executor of the estate of A. S. Stanley, late of Shawnee County, deceased. All parties interested in said estate will take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
C.E. Gresser, Executor

File nameObituary- Stanley, Agustus.jpg
File Size1.39m
Dimensions1601 x 2476
Linked toAgustus S Stanley

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