Obituary- Stiles, Eva
On a farm in the Beman Community near Alta Vista, Kansas Eva Jean Stewart, one of twin daughters was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stewart, June 20, 1905. She passed away in Monrovia, California, while visiting her sister, Beatrice Biglin, on October 9, 1936, at the age of 31 years, 3 months and 18 days.
She attended grade school at the Beman School and was a graduate of the class of 1924. In the year 1920 she became a member of the Methodist church in Alta Vista, Kan, and has continued to be active and conscientious worker for God. She taught four successful years of school and later was an employee of Dr. Van Horn of Topeka.
On August 28, 1928, Eva Jean Stewart and Howard Norris Stiles of Rossville were united in marriage. They have since made their home at Rossville. To this union was born one son, Montie Lee, who is now seven years of age.
Eva has won the love and admiration of everyone who knew her, having made a host of friends among her classmates, students, teachers and other associates. Her sweet smile will long be remembered, as well as the kind, unselfish acts she administered while on earth.
Preceding her in death were her father, her sister Esther, and her brother Elvin. She leaves to mourn her departure besides her husband and son. her mother, Mrs. Anna Stewart of Alta Vista, her sisters and brothers, Mrs. Beatrice Biglin of Monrovia, Calif., Loren L. Stewart of Dunlap, Kansas,; Jack C. Stewart of Chicago, Ill.; Edgar P. Stewart of Dunlap, Kans., and her sister Opal Zimmerman of Alta Vista, and many other relatives and a host of friends Funeral services were held WedŽnesday afternoon at 2 oclock from the Methodist church at Alta Vista, conducted by Rev. Orr.
The pall bearers, were Albert Craig, Paul Bennett and Louis Roberts, of Alta Vista; Jack Gleason, lot Barney and A. E. Stovall, of Rossville.
A precious one from us has flown,
A voice we love is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled.
The following members of the Home Builders Sunday School class of the Methodist church, drove to Alta Vista, Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Howard Stiles: Mrs. Arthur Wallerstedt, Mrs. Dodge, MrS. Orbie Binney, Mrs. Joe Barney, Mrs. A. F. Burhmeier, Mrs. H. E. Straw, Mrs. Dan Landis, Mrs. Gertie Wallace, Miss Grace White, Mrs. Allyn Hartzell Mrs. Louise Parr, Mrs. Kenneth Wingerd, Mrs. Ruth Hesse, Mrs. Joe Parr and Mrs. Jim Conley.