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Obituary- White, Katherine 1
Katherine White
Mrs. Katherine A. White, 86, a resident of the Rossville community fifty-three years, died Friday morning at her home in Rossville. She was born April 7, 1857, at Mount Carroll, Ill., and came to Kansas in a covered wagon seventy-eight years ago. She was a member of the Dunkard church.
Mrs. White was a devoted mother and a true neighbor, who made many many friends.
She was married to J. E. White, Nov. 7, 1875, at James Crossing, Kansas. To this union was born nine children. Two daughters preceded her in death, Stella White, who passed away in 1913 and Maude Yoder in 1936. Her husband J. E. White died in 1935.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ida McAdams, Minco, Okla., Mrs. Daisy Rice, Kansas City, Kan., and Miss Grace White of the home; four sons, A. E. White, San Francisco, Calif., A. N. White of the home, C. P. White, Pasco, Wash., and James A. White, Waukesha, Wis.; two brothers, R. D. Faidley, Rossville and Charles Faidley, Maxwell, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Ann McConnell, Nevada, Iowa; Mrs. Mollie Alverson, Maxwell, Iowa, and Mrs. Jesse White, Kansas City, Mo., and by twenty-one grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church, with Gail B. Dunning, pastor of the Christian Church, officiating. Burial was in Rossville Cemetery.
Music was furnished by Mrs. Leo Berry and Mrs. Ruth Hesse with Mrs. Joe Campbell accompanying at the piano.
Pall bearers were John Rouse, Henry Martinek, Tom Attebury, Frank Zickefoose, Frank Dannefer, and Glen Davis.
Out of town relatives and friends, in Rossville last week called by the death and funeral of Mrs. Katherine White, included, Mrs. Ida McAdams, Minco, Okla., Mrs. Daisy Rice, Kansas City, Kans.; James A. White, Waukesha, Wis.; Mr. and Jess White, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Eva Dustin, and daughters, Berryton; Mrs. Harold Faidley, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson, St. Marys.
As we go to press word is received of the death of Mrs. J. E. White at their apartment on Main street.
Mrs. Ida McAdams came from Hays, Kansas, Tuesday called by the critical illness of her mother, Mrs. J. E. White.
CARD OF THANKS – We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Katherine White and for the beautiful floral offering. The White Family
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