- 2007
Obituary- Winterholler, Carolyn
Carolyn Sue Winterholler
Carolyn Sue Winterhooler, 63, of Prosser, Wash., died Sunday, April 1, at Prosser, Washington Memorial Long Term Care. She had cancer.
Mrs. Winterholler was born in Kansas City, Mo. She was raised and educated in St. Marys and Rossville. She moved to Grandview, Wash., in 1984, and to Prosser in 1985. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include two sons, John Mitchell of Prosser, and Joel Mitchell of Grandview, Wash.; a brother, Bill (Judy) Cantillon of Rossville; and one grandchild.
She was preceded in death by her parents Richard and Ann Cantillon.
Carolyn was buried Wednesday, April 4 at the Prosser Cemetery.