1984 -
Birth- Eisenbarth, Levi
Eisenbarth Birth Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Eisenbarth are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Levi Joseph. He was born Dec. 31, 1984. Levi weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz., he was 21 1/2 inches. Levi has a brother Lance and a sister Lanea to welcome him home.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller of Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eisenbarth of Hoyt.
Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Emery Eakin and Pauline Miller of Delia.
Henry Osterhaus and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eisenbarth Sr. of Seneca.