1875 - 1966 (90 years)
Birthday- James, Ed
Ed James is 90 years old today
Ed James of Rossville is observing his 90th birthday today, July 29. His daughter, Mrs. H.D. McCoid, honored him with a birthday dinner at his home Sunday. Family members present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. McCoid, Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Somers, Topeka, Mr. and Mrs. E. Grimes, Verdel and Terry of Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. James was born near Rossville in a log cabin located just south of the site of the old James School west of town. He attended school in the red brick school that formerly stood near the present Rossville Grade School. Except for 12 years when he lived in Topeka, Mr. James has lived all his life in Rossville.
He has two living children, Mrs. McCoid and Mrs. Somers. A son passed away a number of years ago. His family also includes four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
File name | Birthday- James, Ed.jpg |
File Size | 908.54k |
Dimensions | 1980 x 1510 |
Linked to | Charles Edward James |