1927 - 2021 (94 years)
Birthday- Koci, D. Eugene
D. Eugene Koci, Topeka, will celebrate his 75th birthday as guest of honor at a family dinner and with a card shower.
Mr. Koci retired in 1985 from the U.S. Postal Service in Topeka.
He was born Feb. 12, 1927, in Topeka to Dewey and Mildred Koci.
He and Josephine Lysek were married July 2, 1950.
Their four children and their spouses are Galen and Marggie Koci, Topeka; Denise and Larry Figgs, Topeka; Victor Koci, Osage City; and Milton and Carole Koci, Topeka. Mr. Koci has nine grandchildren.
Birthday greetings may be sent to him at 10133 S.W. 61st, Topeka,