» Group Sheet
Marriage- Kovar, Agnes-Rafferty, Robert
Kovar - Rafferty
Solemnized April
Miss Agnes Kovar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kovar of Rossville, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert E. Rafferty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rafferty also of Rossville, Saturday, April 16, in St. Stanislaus Catholic church at Rossville.
The double-ring ceremony was read at a nuptial mass solemnized by the Rev. A. J. Berens. Douglas and Vincent Martinek, cousins of the bride, were acolytes.
Miss Mary Tholl, organist, played traditional nuptial music and accompanied Mrs. Joyce Brennan who sang, “Ave Marie”, “Lord I Am Not Worthy”, and “O, Mother Dear Pray For Me.”
The altar was decorated with bouquets of white and lavendar gladioli.
Mr. Kovar gave his daughter in marriage. Her street-length dress was of white embroidered polished cotton and her shoulder-length veil of nylon fell from an embroidered capulet. She carried a colonial bouquet of red roses.
Miss Betty Kovar of Kansas City, Mo., sister of the bride was maid of honor. Miss Eileen Zima of Emmett was the bridesmaid. They wore matching dresses of lavendar polished cotton. Each wore an open capulette with small white roses and a misty tie back veil. They carried colonial bouquets of white roses.
Mr. Ernest Rezac served as best man and Mr. Keith Rafferty, brother of the groom, was groomsman.
Ushering were Mr. Ben Macha of Council Grove, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Richard Rafferty, brother of the groom.
Mrs. Kovar chose a light blue rayon shantung dress with white and navy accessories. Mrs. Rafferty wore a navy blue faille with pink and blue accessories. Both wore corsages of white carnations.
Miss Evelyn Kovar, sister of the bride, presided at the guest book.
Following the ceremony the reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Martha Rezac. Mrs. Mary Hudson and Mrs. Phyllis Denham assisted.
The brides table, laid with lace cloth, was centered with three tiered wedding cake decorated in green and white and topped with miniature wedding bells, encircled with greenery and red roses. Candelabra completed the decorations.
As the couple left on a short honeymoon trip, the bride wore a navy blue suit with white accessories.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Rafferty are graduates of Rossville High School. Mrs. Rafferty also is a graduate Research Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Rafferty is at present employed at Goodyear Plant, Topeka.
The couple is at home at 111 Taylor, Topeka, Kansas.
Out of town guests attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wortman, Mrs. Helen Rafferty, Harold, Jimmy and Donald, Mrs. John Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman French, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ketter and Pam, all of Topeka, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and family, of Blue Mound, Kansas; Mrs. Martha Miller and family, Wamego, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and family, Belvue, Kansas; Mrs. Ellen Dunagan, Mr. Patrick Rafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Maple Hill, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Macha, Mrs. Helen Macha of Council Grove, Kansas; Mrs. Mae Brown, Janette and Jeanine, Misses Patty Toile, Phyllis Denham, Kathryn Denham, Marie Lewie, Edith Orner, Marilee Fisher all of Kansas City, Missouri; and Miss Disca Ann McKawn of Liberty, Missouri.
» Group Sheet