m. 9 Oct 1954
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Marriage- Pollard, Dorothy-Whearty, Calvin
In a single ring ceremony Saturday afternoon, October 9, in Ellis, Miss Dorothy Charlene Pollard became the bride of Mr. Calvin Wesley Whearty, both of Topeka. The vows were exchanged at 3 o’clock in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville H. Pollard, formerly of Topeka. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Whearty of Rossville.
The Rev. Mr. McNeil read the service in the presence of relatives only. The couple stood before the fireplace, which was banked with chrysanthemums, other fall flowers and greenery.
The bride chose for her marriage a beige lace dress over beige faille, made with full circular skirt and scoop neckline. She wore a brown velvet hat and other accessories in brown velvet. Her corsage was Talisman roses.
Mrs. Riley R. Whearty of Lawrence, who was matron of honor, wore a brown Japanese silk dress with a yellow rose corsage.
Lt. Col. Riley R. Whearty was best man for his brother.
The bride’s mother was dressed in navy blue and the bridegroom’s mother wore dark brown. Their corsages were gardenias.
A reception and buffet dinner followed the ceremony. Mrs. David A. Fry of Alta Vista and Mrs. Leonard Haldiman and Miss Dorothy Paul, both of Ellis, assisted. The table, centered with an arrangement of fall flowers was decorated with a tiered wedding cake and burning tapers.
As Mr. Whearty and his bride left for a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, she was wearing a navy and white suit. After October 18 they will be at home in Topeka at 2920 Colorado.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Whearty are employed in the Santa Fe offices.
Out of town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Whearty of Rossville, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Nason and Mrs. Dangerfield of Topeka, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Whearty and Gail Sue, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whearty and Marsha. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wanick, Diana and Steve all of Wichita, Lt. Col and Mrs. R. R. Whearty, Rusty and Jane of Lawrence.
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