1801 - 1874 (72 years)
Obituary- Howard, Jared
(Name was Changed to HOWARD)
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Husband of Mary Ann Matson (Hayward)
Howard and father of David M. Howard—Jared Howard was a son of Otis and Polly (Millington)
(Hayward) Howard. Jared Howard, the father of David M. Howard, was elected a member of the Vermont Legislature three times as a democrat, and during the Civil war supported the Union. He married Mary Ann Matson at Shaftsbury, and they became the parents of eight children; Jacob M., a lifelong resident of Yates, New York; Otis, who spent most of his life in Vermont, but died at Rossville, Kansas;
Solomon, who was three times elected to the Vermont Legislature as a democrat, and spent his entire life in that state; Jared, a citizen of high standing at Bennington, Vermont; David Millington; Mary, who married Cyrus W.
Higginbotham, of Rossville, Kansas; Lurana, who married James K. Conley, of New York, and now a resident of Rossville; and Rachel M., who married Leander Mosley, of New York, and also resides at Rossville. After a long and useful life in Vermont, Jared Howard moved with his family to Rossville, Kansas, in 1872, and bought a farm near the village, on which he died in 1874. He was a man of high ideals and of uncommon ability and education, and was thoroughly conversant with all the topics of the day. His wife survived him until 1884, when she, too, passed away at Rossville. She was a woman of refinement and education, and, like her husband, a wide reader.