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Marriage- Bowers, Katherine-Budden, Frederick 2
Bowers/Budden Couple Exchanged Vows Jan. 11
The marriage of Diane Bowers, daughter of Christina Bowers and the late Lawrence Bowers, Delia, and Rick Budden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Budden, Tecumseh, was solemnized, January 11, 1986, in the Sacred Heart Church, Delia. Father John Erickson and the Reverend Gary Beach performed the wedding ceremony.
Acolytes were Andrew Walter, Mark Walker, and Larry Bowers, nephews of the bride.
Candle lighters were Corinna and Larry Bowers, niece and nephew of the bride.
Ring bearers were Annie Price, niece of the groom; and Rosalind Bowers, niece of the bride. They each carried a ring on identical white satin pillows.
Flower girls were Diana and Barbara Walker, nieces of the bride. They carried little baskets of rose petals.
Gift attendants were Christie Brennan and Max Whittle, niece and nephew of the bride. The six little girls wore identical floor-length dresses of pink satin trimmed with white lace.
As the mothers were being seated, Shelia and Marilyn Brennan, nieces of the bride, sang “Longer” and “Annie’s Song” accompanied by Sheila on the guitar.
The bride was escorted to the altar by her brother, John. She wore a floor-length dress of bridal satin with fitted lace bodice and sleeves tapering to points over her hands. The bouffant skirt ended in an aisle-wide train. The dress was made by her mother. She borrowed her mother’s chapel veil which fell from a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of miniature carnations and baby’s breath. Maid of honor was Marilyn Brennan, niece of the bride; Brenda Brennan, niece of the bride, was bridesmaid; Sally Price, sister of the groom, and Angela Whittle, niece of the bride, were bridesmatrons. They wore identical floor-length dresses of ruby chiffon over satin with bandeaus of fresh fall flowers and carried colonial bouquets of fall flowers.
Roy Bird, friend of the groom, attended the groom as best man. Warren Sickel, friend of the groom, Alvie Price, brother-in-law of the groom and Leon. Rueter, cousin of the groom, were groomsmen. Ushers were Larry Bowers, bother of the bride, James Walker and Jim Brennan, nephews of the bride, and Joe Turner, brother-in-law of the groom.
Organist Beverly Martinek, friend of the bride, accompanied Bryan Reiners, friend of the groom, as he sang “Perhaps Love” and “Panis Angelicus.”
Diane and Rick sang “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Liturgical readings were given by John Walker, Sr. and John Walker, Jr., brother-in-law and nephew of the bride.
A reception was held at the Delia Community Center. Assisting at the reception were Pam Turner, sister of the groom; Ann and Marla Bowers, sisters- in-law of the bride; Christina Rezac and Ruth Ann Walker, sisters of the bride.
Christine Bowers was at the guest book, Theresa Bowers and Kathy Walker opened the gifts. All are nieces of the bride.
Music was furnished at the reception by Lorie and Anne Walker, Nieces of the bride; and Marilyn Brennan, accompanied at the piano by Theresa Bowers.
Several former students of Diane’s from the Hoyt Grade School surprised her by singing two songs at the reception, accompanied at the piano by Tammy Smith, third grade teacher at Hoyt.
Mrs. Emma Bowers and Ina Thompson, aunts of the bride; Verna Mae Thompson, cousin of the bride; and Eudora McQueen, a friend, helped serve the dinner following the reception.
After a short wedding trip, Diane and Rick are at home in St. Marys as they continue their teaching careers.
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