m. 13 Aug 1950
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Marriage- Crow, Mildred-Page, Dean
Miss Mildred Louise Crow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crow, of Dover, became the bride of Mr. Dean B. Page, son of Air. and Mrs. Ralph Page, of Rossville in a double-ring ceremony, read by the Rev. Don Jones, of Rossville at 3 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, August 13, at the home of the brides parents.
Baskets of gladioli and fern and lighted tapers formed a back ground for the ceremony.
The bride wore a powder blue lace with matching accessories and carried a bridal bouquet of red roses.
Miss Dorothy Tabor, attended as maid of honor. She wore a grey linen dress with grey and red accessories. Her corsage was of gardenia and pink carnations.
Mr. Don Stovall attended Mr. Page as best man.
For going away the bride wore a rose dress with navy accessories and wore a corsage of gardenias.
After a short wedding trip to the Ozarks the couple will be at home at 806 Vattier street, Manhattan, Kansas.
Mrs. Page, a graduate of Dover High school has been employed by the Farm Bureau in Topeka the past two years.
A graduate of Rossville High school Mr. Page is a senior at Kansas State college.
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