Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Family: Pascal P Enos / Emma I Ford Enos Davis

m. 12 Dec 1908


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Marriage- Ford, Emma-Enos, Pascal

The Enos-Ford Wedding

A very quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon when Miss Emma Ford and Mr. P.P. Enos both of this place were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford, west of town, the Rev. E.W. Allen of the M.E. Church officiating. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present.

The bride was handsomely attired in pure white - white net over white silk, directore girdle and sash, and carried a profusion of brides roses. She wore no jewelry save the solitaire diamond wedding ring. The groom was garbed in the customary black. The ceremony itself was the simple yet impressive ritualistic ring service. The decorations were quite elaborate in which Mistletoe seat from Lexington Oklahoma by friends of the bride predominated.

After the ceremony and congratulations a wedding dinner was served and the evening was spent in pleasant social communion.

The bride is one of Rossville's most popular young lady; handsome, talented and possessing all the womanly virtues and charms that go to make up a home of refreshment and culture. Mr. Enos, the groom, is the son of Mrs. M. Enos and has grown to manhood in this town. For several years past he has been employed in Kansas City. Gifted with a natural shrewdness and a keen sense of humor, he is jolly and companionable and easily makes and retains steadfast friends and his future gives promise of unstinted success and happiness.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos left yesterday for Kansas City where they will spend a short honeymoon with friends after which they will go to Oklahoma City, Okla. where Mr. Enos will be associated with his brother-in-law, Mr. C.W. Hubyeka, in the Southwestern Granite & Marble Company of that city.

May their pathway through life be strewn with fairest flowers.

File nameMarriage- Ford, Emma-Enos, P.P..jpeg
File Size1.09m
Dimensions1465 x 2539
Linked toFamily: Enos/Ford Enos Davis (F1550)

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