m. 27 Jan 1928
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Marriage- Humphrey, Mae-Stiles, David
The marriage of Miss May Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Humphrey of Manhattan, to Mr. David Stiles, eldest son of Mrs. May Stiles of this city, was quietly solemnized Friday, January 27, at 6:30 p. m. at the home of the brides parents, on 1800 Leavenworth Street, Manhattan, Kansas.
The Rev. J. David Arnold, pastor of the Christian church read the service, the ring ceremony being used.
Miss Helen Humphrey, sister of the bride, acted as brides maid and the groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Howard Stiles.
The bride was lovely in a gown of powder bine georgette, elaborately trimmed with hand embroidered dark blue velvet flowers, and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and baby breath. The maid of honor was attractive in a black satin dress, combined with velvet.
Immediate relatives of the bride and groom were the only guests present.
A reception and wedding luncheon followed the wedding. The pink and White color scheme was carried but in the luncheon, consisting of brides cake, ice cream, coffee and mint sticks.
At present Mr. and Mrs. Stiles are at home in the Pendleton furnished home on Orange street, until March first, when they will be at home on the Howard farm south of Rossville.
Mrs. Stiles is serving her third term as Domestic Art and Science teacher in the Rossville High School and has won the warm friendship of a host of friends among her scholars, patrons and acquaintances here. She is a graduate of K. S. A. C. at Manhattan, where she was active in college life, and church work of that city,
Mr. Stiles is one of Rossville’s prosperous young real estate men, and in addition has been overseer of the farming activities of Mrs. Chettie Howard’s extensive holdings south of Rossville.
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