m. 24 Feb 1950
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Marriage- Maddox, Marlene-Maddux, Russell
Maddox-Maddux Marriage Announced
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Maddox announced the marriage of their daughter, Marlene Joyce, to Mr. Russell Wayne Maddux, son of Mrs. Cecelia M. Maddux.
The Rev. E.K. Resler read the double ring ceremony which took place at 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, February 24, in the East Topeka Methodist Church. The couple was attended by Miss Shirley Woolard and Mr. Dean Boyles.
The bride wore a beige gaberdine suit with brown accessories. Her corsage was American Beauty roses. Miss Woolard wore a rose and gray gabardine suit, with navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of pink and white carnations.
Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was held at Hoofer's Dinner House.
Mrs. Maddux is employed in the accounting department of the Southwest Bell Telephone Company. Mr. Maddux is employed by the Topeka Spice Mills.
After a short wedding trip to Kansas City the couple is at home at 200 South Franklin in Topeka. -Capital
[From 9 Mar 1950]
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