m. 2 Jun 1951
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Anniversary- Kerwin, Robert and Rita 2
Kerwins Will Celebrate Ruby Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kerwin, Delia, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving Sunday, June 2, at 10 a.m. in the Sacred Heart Church, Delia. A reception will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 at the St. Marys Senior Center, St. Marys.
Robert Kerwin and Rita Kaullen were married June 2, 1951, by the Rev. Robert Martin at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Kansas City, Mo.
Hosts for the occasion will be the couple's six children and their spouses: Marita and Charles Ronnau, St. Marys; Jean and John Poppelreiter, Maple Hill; Michael and Lisa Kerwin, Delia; Janet and Gene Foresman, Mesa, Ariz.; Kevin and Tamela Kerwin, Delia; and Patrick Kerwin, St Louis, Mo. Couple has twelve grandchildren.
Friends and relatives are invited to attend; the couple requests no gifts other than the pleasure of your company.
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