m. 17 Jul 1937
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Anniversary- Lynde, Elmer and Ethelyn 1
Lynde Couple Celebrated
Golden Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lynde, Rossville, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on the 16th and 17th of July in Missoula, Mont.
The hosts on the 16th were Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lynde and Carolyn Rogers, at Carolyn’s home. Dr. and Mrs. Loren Rogers entertained with a reception at the Elks Club on the 17th. Miss Mona Lynde, their daughter, was also a guest at both receptions. The couple has three grandsons and one granddaughter.
Elmer and Ethelyn were married at Helena Cathedral on July 17, 1937. Mr. Lynde was a soil conservation contractor for 25 years. After living in Montana for nine years they moved back to Kansas in 1946.
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